Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Notes on life...

There is more to life than work

There is also more to life than love

For most people love is a sense of peace and security, atleast most married people

The one true love might take a lifetime of waiting, but it damn well is worth the wait

There are things to do during the wait, like make money, see the world, and humor friends

There are things to do, during love...like see the world, humor friends, and remember family

The one true love might not necessarily feel the same about you

Sometimes its better not to know why you feel the way you do, knowing the reason might just ruin you

Let go of love if it wants to go, dont let go of friends


Practical Preacher said...

Good one kid.. keep it up.

Wonder what the inspiration was though? :-)

Rujuta said...

like the title suggests...headache... :D

Ambi said...

I knew of Headache but when did Heartache happen to you? I have no idea yet... :)

Rujuta said...

Ambi:Do you really believe that Ive spent 28 years of my life without falling for someone even once?? :D

Anonymous said...

how can it be notes u r sounding like a typical BA

Rujuta said...

Anon: please leave a name....its hard to discuss anything with a nameless voice.

Vivek said...

"Rujuta said...
Ambi:Do you really believe that Ive spent 28 years of my life without falling for someone even once?? :D "

Nice..But this post looks like its the first one :) or the first in a loooong time.. Everyone has been this path and the best thing to do during the wait is to not wait and let it happen:)

Rujuta said...

vivek: well....its d first time ive used this blog to say smthn of tht sort.... :))

i did have a diary earlier, but i started freakin myself out after i read it, so i ditched tht

Here i automatically have to keep things in check :D