Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I dont seem to have much to write about nowadays in this blog.....I mean I could write about work.....but then that is a dangerous proposition, 'cause I tend to lay the criticism thick, and in my best interests, I need a steady paying job right now :)

I'm also wearing out the cynicism...seem to have too many things to do nowadays, like watching TV, shopping, trying to keep in shape and so on....so the humor is currently at bay....

I have spent almost 4 months in this city already, and my craving for bombay has gotten so strong, that in a few days i think i'll need a chain tying me to stop me from escaping.

Tho there's a lot to do here, and a lotta friends and ...ahem.... relatives......i currently feel the need to contemplate on where my life is going, and when is John Abraham's next movie releasing....

So after i finish brooding on the thing called future, i'll think of a nice post to write....

1 comment:

Abhishek Bhide said...

Finally some words of wisdom! Long time yaar.