Friday, May 20, 2011

running woes....

Dissapointing day today....I went out for a run in the park in the evening, and it was so bright and so hot that I couldnt run for more than 10 minutes. And at the end of it I thought I was going to die or atleast need an ambulance!!
Quite a scare I got there....

I wish it would rain....Thor? Some help here???


Laeli said...

It's getting to be that time of year again for me here too.
Last week I was trotting along for 40 min,,this week..well I haven't even tryed cause I know I'll suck,lol May be an early morning run will be better to manage. Here's hoping for the two of us:)

Rujuta said...

I cannot get up early!! would have been so much simpler if I had that getting up early discipline :(